Dumb gay pride memes

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By 2016, approvals were left up to each ambassador or chief of mission. News came out at the end of last week that, breaking with tradition, the State Department has been rejecting requests from embassies around the globe who wanted to let their big gay flags fly for Pride, because goddammit, this is America, land of the free and home of 'RuPaul's Drag Race.'Īnd why? The Obama administration's Pride Month guidelines included rules for flying rainbow flags from poles outside embassies - they had to be smaller than the American flag and fly beneath it. Hey, remember at the beginning of June, when Donald Trump's staff wrote some nice gay Pride tweets, and everybody was like 'HAHA FUCK YOU,' because Trump has been an absolute piece of shit president for LGBT people, banning trans people from serving in the military and fucking around with adoptions by same-sex parents, and elevating severe anti-gay bigots like Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to positions of power?

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