Real amateur gay videos

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–Derrek Wall, Damn These Heels programming committee member This is a no-holds-barred look at all forms of queer kinks, the history of gay pornography, and the love two men had for capturing it all on video.

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This is a testament to the inextricable link in gay culture to gay images porn notwithstanding. A devoted couple, they helped define amateur gay porn as we know it today, while also revolutionarily promoting kinky sex as a form of safe sex during the AIDS epidemic when they fled San Francisco to Sonoma County and in doing so opened doors to new sexual ideas even amidst a devastating health crisis.ĭrawing connections to sex-positive trends in the porn industry and the freedom in fantasy play, this film is as smart as it is sensual. White and Alex Clausen document the rise and fall of this grassroots establishment and its long lasting, far reaching influence on the porn scene and our erotic imaginations. RAW! UNCUT! VIDEO! is the unabridged, unflinching, explicit, and honest story of gay porn studio, Palm Drive Video, and its creators Jack Fritscher and Mark Hemry.

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